This part: action that consumers can take if they have a problem would be a last topic discussed. There are lots of information centres, websites, books and information package which anyone could easily access to gain sufficient amount of information. The most trustworthy website would definitely be the one runned by the Australian government:
If you have been scammed and you would like to report it, there are also plenty amount of places you could visit. You can visit the place anytime you want. It’s always opened to the public and you should provide as much as information you can, regarding it. The list below is just few of the places you could go to report the scam.
1) Overseas- if you are Australian and you have been scammed from overseas, call the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on 1300 302 502. The staff will pick up between the working hours; from 8:30a.m. to 6p.m
2) Financial and investment scam- this scam involves sale offers about financial products and services such as; financial advice, insurance or credit accounts. This should be handled quickly, so report it to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on 1300 300 630.
3) Banking and credit card scams- the first thing you should do is to contact your bank and then report it to the government. You could contact both ACCC and ASIC. When you are reporting it to the bank, make sure that the number you use is from the phone book or you account statement or credit card. If your credit card is lost, contact to: 1800 869 3557.
4) Local scams- firstly, you should contact your local office of fair trading. This will quicken the search as it was a local scam. While the ACCC is the only national agency dealing with general consumer protection matters, your local office is best placed to investigate scams that appear to come from within your own state and you should report these scams using the links (the phone numbers):
-Queensland: Office of Fair Trading ph no.: 13 13 04
-New South Wales: Office of Fair Trading ph no.: 13 32 20
-Victoria: Consumer Affairs Victoria ph no.:1300 558 181
-Western Australia: Department of Consumer and Employment Protection ph no.:1300 30 40 54
-South Australia: Office of Consumer and Business Affairs ph no.: 08 8204 9777
-Tasmania: Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading ph no.: 1300 654 499
-ACT: Office of Fair Trading ph no.: 02 6207 0400
-Northern Territory: Consumer and Business Affairs ph no.: 08 8999 1999
The following list is a website where you could visit prior to reporting scam. Of course, it’s runned by the Australian government.
-To send a mail regarding the scam, you need to contain sufficient amount of information. Therefore, if you visit this website, they will have a free copy of the complaint form which you need to complete.$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=
-An email address you could send your complaint form would be;
Overall, I hope you’ve earned quite a bit of information on; the definition, different types, dangers and pitfalls, the ways consumer can avoid and the actions they can take when they are willing to report the scam. Be Scam Smart!